Since 2012, DIAS has been helping the Nyameches reach their dream of developing their own ministry centre in rural Kenya. That dream is now a reality. As of October 2014, Frank and Lindah are onsite and ready to invest their lives in transforming their community.
Over the span of three seasons of the Tour of Hope and now the Grand Tour of Hope, funds have been raised and distributed that have purchased the 10 acres of land on Lake Victoria, connected water and sewerage, and built a spacious residence from which local work can begin.
It has been a very difficult few years for the Nyameche family, but DIAS committed to see them through to living in their own house, and we have been honoured to get them this far.
From here we will enjoy watching them build their dream their way, without hindrance or unsolicited advice, and continue to help where we can.
Eventually we expect to see market gardens and cooperatives, early childhood development centres, accommodation for visitors, and hopefully a fully equipped school.